• Qualifications for elders, continued:
    • Having children who believe – Titus 1:6
      • Once children leave the house and are out from under the direction of the parent, in general their behavior is their own responsibility as long as they were on a righteous path when they left the house. Also, note that God “parented” the Israelites in the Old Testament and they certainly did not all turn out faithful.
      • Must a man have multiple children?
        • I don’t think this verse is saying this. In this case, I think the plural includes the singular.
      • Does “believe” here mean “faithful Christians” or “trustworthy?” The Greek word can be translated either way. The context seems to be talking about the relationship between the child and the man, not between the child and God. This leads to the conclusion that the verse is referring to children who are under control of their father and not rebellious – not necessarily Christians.