1. Functions of a Christian that rest upon the peculiar grounds of his being a Christian
  2. And which are also authorized for performance together with other Christians
  3. Are functions for which a local church is authorized to make provision.
  • Luke 10:30-35- We have a duty to help those in need on an individual basis.
  • James 1:27- caring for widows and orphans
  • I Timothy 5:14- This is a family relationship, not an obligation of the church.
  • I Timothy 5:16- helping widows
  • I Corinthians 9:1-14- churches supporting preachers
  • Assembling - Hebrews 10:25. This is a function that a local church is authorized to make provision for.
  • Discipline - I Corinthians 5:4-5. The church is authorized to make provision for discipline of its members.
  • The local church is to meet for worship, preach to the lost, edify the saved, and help the needy in certain cases.