- Matthew 16:18-19
- New Testament Church and the Kingdom
- Jesus used the terms synonymously, Matthew 16:18-19
- Kingdom existed in 1st Century, Colossians 1:13
- Admission into kingdom by obedience, Matthew 7:21
- Lord’s Supper is function of the kingdom / the church, Luke 22:16 ff
- Times of Christ were subject of interest to Moses and prophets, Acts 3:21-24 f
- Jesus used the terms synonymously, Matthew 16:18-19
- Lawgiver of Judah, Genesis 49
- The blessing of Jacob, Genesis 49:10
- Lawgiver shown by scepter - to receive obedience
- Fulfillment of the right tribe
- Regal genealogy, Matthew 1
- Legal genealogy, Luke 3
- Fulfillment of a ruling lawgiver
- Authority, headship, preeminence, Matthew 28:18
- Authority previewed, Deuteronomy 18:18-19
- Some aspects of authority, John 1:1 ff
- The blessing of Jacob, Genesis 49:10
- Exerlasting kingdom, II Samuel 7
- Forver rule on David’s throne, II Samuel 7:12-16
- Gabriel’s equivalent prophecy, Luke 1:32-33
- Peter affirms, Acts 2:29-36
- Everlasting aspect, Hebrews 1:8
- Forver rule on David’s throne, II Samuel 7:12-16
- His reign, Psalms 110
- Jehovah gives Christ dominion, Psalms 110
- Exercised from the right hand of God
- People willingly serve
- Dual role of Christ: priest, king
- Christ beings kingly work, John 18:36
- Christ is also our high priest, Hebrews 6:20
- From that time forward all appeals are made in His name, by His authority, Acts 2:38
- Voluntary service in kingdom, Romans 12:1
- Jehovah gives Christ dominion, Psalms 110
- His government, Isaiah 9
- Governing responsibilities are His. Isaiah 9:6-7
- Mission was to bring peace betwixt God and man; remove the estrangement of sin; restore harmonious relations, Ephesians 2:14
- Nature of the ruler and His government
- Child is … wonderful … mighty God … Prince … a description of His deity
- Expansion of government endless or continuing in its increase of spiritual benefits
- Basis of government and benefits is the justice and righteousness of God - the very character of God ensures the continuance of this kingdom.
- Governing responsibilities are His. Isaiah 9:6-7
- Kingdom of the last days, Isaiah 2
- In the last days, Isaiah 2:2-4
- Superior to all other kingdoms
- Includes citizens of all peoples, Ephesians 3:6
- Taught in and walk in God’s ways is means of entrance to it, Joel 2:32
- Would begin when word issued out of Jerusalem
- Peacable in nature, Ephesians 2:15
- In the last days, Isaiah 2:2-4
- Kingdom of the last days, Daniel 2
- Daniel’s description similar, Daniel 2:44
- Kingdom unlike all others Nebuchadnezzar knew of
- Set up during 4th kingdom, Roman period
- Indestructible and eternal kingdom (act over against Jerusalem and Babylon and all others who rise and fall)
- Conquering kingdom
- Daniel’s description similar, Daniel 2:44
- Priestly king, Zechariah 6
- The branch who builds the temple, Zechariah 6:12-13
- This is the church, Ephesians 2:19-22 ff
- The branch bears glory (kingly)
- Work of king and priest is simultaneous
- If He is priest, He must also be king, Hebrews 7
- Those “far off” have a portion here
- The branch who builds the temple, Zechariah 6:12-13
- The prophets saw the king and His kingdom
- Christ as lawgiver/prophet
- Christ as king/priest
- Commanding the conditions of peace
- Making the offering for that peace
- The church a spiritual government
- Peoples of all nations comprising it
- Instruction and obedience to enter
- New Testament preachers preached
- Your entrance into the kingdom
- Hear the gospel - Romans 10:17
- Believe Jesus is the Son of God - Mark 16:16
- Repent from sin - Acts 17:30
- Confess faith in Christ - Romans 10:9-10
- Be baptized - I Peter 3:21
- Live faithfully unto God - Revelation 2:10
October 19, 2012
For further study, see also:
Jesus Christ
Jesus our high priest
Jesus our king
Lord's Supper
Messianic prophecies
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