- Examples of worship in the New Testament
- Romans 12:1
- How should we make ourselves a reasonable sacrifice to God?
- John 4:23
- John 17:17 - We want to worship in both spirit and truth.
- Our worship should be planned. We need to plan how we will offer ourselves to God. We must discipline ourselves and follow the good examples God has given us. II Thessalonians 3:7
- Exodus 8:27.
- Leviticus 1:3
- Sacrifices are made at a cost. II Samuel 24:24
- II Timothy 3:10
- Ways to offer ourselves to God:
- Encouraging others
- Time management
- Money (Ephesians 4:28
- Planning, preparation, and setting goals (Luke 14:28
- Self-discipline (Titus 2:11-12
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