• Hebrews 11:3 - The ingredients of faith are explained.

  • Faith is the conviction of things unseen, such as the day of judgment (Philippians 3:8-11.

  • God’s Revelation, the Bible, does not rely upon and is not subject to experimentation and empirical verification.

  • The law of the Lord is perfect, sure and right (Psalms 19:7-8, in contrast to the flawed and imperfect nature of scientific investigation.

  • What is the “causative agent of the preparation of the worlds?”

  • “By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God.” Genesis 1:3

  • To make the cause of the origin of the creation anything other than the person of our Lord and means and methods involving things other than the word of God strikes at the very heart of the gospel itself and is a direct attack upon the deity of Christ!

  • God’s written word is as powerful today as His spoken one (Romans 1:16.

  • Even today all things are being upheld by the word of His power (HJebrews 1:2-3); either by natural law (Genesis 8:22.

  • How did the Word of God prepare the worlds?

  • “So that which is seen was not made out of things which are visible” - creation ex nihilo (creation from nothing)

  • The question is often asked: “what difference does it make?”

  • God’s word had power then, so His word has power now. And God’s word caused the creation then, so His word causes the new creation now. If you take the power from the word of creation, you take the power from the word of the gospel of Christ.

  • On the question of origins, what shall we say?

  • Since the Bible says it, I will believe it (I Thessalonians 2:13.

  • Since the Bible says it, I will teach it (I Peter 4:11. If any man speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God.

  • I must be careful not to add to or subtract from what is revealed (Revelation 22:18-19.

  • I must earnestly content for the faith revealed (Jude 1:3.