• What do these passages teach us about the kindness of God?

  • Romans 11:20-23 - Reception of God’s kindness is conditional on our behavior.

  • Ephesians 2:4-7 - God showed His kindness by sending Jesus to die for us.

  • Titus 3:4-5 - God’s kindness is evident in His mercy on us even in our sin.

  • I Peter 2:1-3 - We taste the kindness of God through His word.

  • Luke 6:31-35 - Our kindness is not to be based on whether or not we have been shown kindness.

  • Our kindness is based on:

  • How we want other people to treat us

  • God’s example of kindness to ungrateful and evil men

  • Acts 24:4 - What sort of things do kind people do? They go out of their way to be patient and helpful to others.

  • Colossians 3:12-13 - Christians are instructed to be kind. How do we obey that instruction? By considering others’ needs before our own and by adjusting our attitude. We should think about God. This is something that takes practice!

  • Christians don’t just react. They do what’s right!

  • What are some things that keep us from being kind?

  • Grouchiness

  • Selfishness

  • Holding a grudge

  • Pride

  • Ignorance

  • Bad company

  • What are the practical benefits of being kind?

  • Better influence on those around us