Psalms 15
David asked the same question
“Tent” - a simple dwelling
“Holy Hill” - Zion/Jerusalem
Christians seek a New Jerusalem (Hebrews 13:13-14)
Those who qualify
Scripture lays out conditions (I Corinthians 9:24-27)
“Walk blamelessly” (Psalms 15:2)
The blood of Christ makes one blameless, but one must still walk blamelessly (I Thessalonians 5:22).
“Speaks truth in his heart” (Psalms 15:2)
The Lord considers man’s heart as well as his actions. (Genesis 6:5)
We must test our hearts (Jeremiah 17:9-10)
“Does not slander” (Psalms 15:3)
We must filter our speech. (Ephesians 4:15)
If we do not control our speech, we are hypocrites. (James 3:9-12)
“Takes no reproach against a friend” (Psalms 15:3)
We must patiently and objectively seek the truth (I Timothy 5:19-20)
“Despises the vile and honors the reverent” (Psalms 15:4)
We cannot afford to relax convictions. (Ephesians 5:6-12)
We must save the lost, exercising caution. (Jude 1:22-23)
We must honor our brethren. (Acts 28:10)
“Swears to his own hurt and does not change” (Psalms 15:4)
Keeping our word can hurt sometimes. (Matthew 5:37)
The exception comes when we discover our involvement is morally wrong. (Matthew 14:6-12)
“Charges no interest, and takes no bribe.” (Psalms 15:5)
We must give of our means without expecting anything in return. (Luke 14:12-14)
Take a bribe to pervert justice will prevent us from dwelling with God.
“He who does these things will never stumble.” (Psalms 15:5)
Only in persevering can we hope to well with God. (II Peter 1:5-11)
December 25, 2011
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