Matthew 26:26-29 - Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper.
Luke 22:17 - The initial drink was the completion of the Passover Feast. It is not an example that we need to drink, east, and then drink again.
I Corinthians 10:16 - further instructions regarding the Lord’s Supper
A communion
The bread - communion with the body of Christ.
There is also a secondary communion between all the members that partake of the Supper, but the primary communion is vertical between us and Jesus.
The fruit of the vine - communion with the blood of Christ.
A proclamation
The Lord’s Supper proclaims:
Jesus’ life and death
His mission
His kingdom has been established.
We are not under the Old Covenant.
That He has not come the second time.
That He is coming. I Thessalonians 4:13
Our love for Him.
A memorial
I Corinthians 11:24-25
The bread - memorial of His body
The fruit of the vine - memorial of His blood
To forget is one of the greatest dangers, thus we need this memorial.
In view of this, how must we partake?
An anticipation
“Till He come”
A reminder that He is coming
The prayer of thanks
Be sure to offer thanks for the bread and fruit of the vine when you pray.
Make the prayer to the point. This is the purpose of the prayer.
Is one pleasing to God when he or she:
Plans a trip on Sunday and misses the Supper?
Deliberatelyy misses one Sunday, then takes the next Sunday without repenting?
Misses the Lord’s Supper to prepare a feast for guests?
Deliberately misses the Supper Sunday morning then partakes Sunday evening?
Who can commune with Christ in the Supper?
Those in His kingdom (Matthew 26:29
Not all who were once baptized into Christ, but those who are living lives subject to the King.
When is the Supper to be taken?
Matthew 26:26-29 - On the first day of the week.
How much does the Lord’s Supper mean to you?
November 13, 2011
For further study, see also:
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