• Modern textbooks are filled with confessions of faith in evolution.

  • Miller-Urey experiment

  • Amino acids produced from a soup of hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water vapor.

  • No oxygen was used in the experiment. If oxygen had been used, the amino acids produced would have quickly decayed. Thus, this reaction can’t happen in an oxygen atmosphere.

  • Peppered moths

  • Peppered moths in the UK during the Industrial Revolution naturally selected a darker color to blend in with the change in color of the tree bark.

  • In reality, moths don’t hide on tree bark! They hide higher up in trees underneath branches for camouflage. Also, moths only fly at night!

  • Ape to human

  • Darwin didn’t believe that the ape was our ancestor, merely our contemporary “cousin”. The picture is a lie to begin with.

  • “The fossil record is one of increasing diversity.” - Stephen Jay Gould

  • Haeckel’s embryos

  • The embryos chosen look very similar because they were purposely chosen. Other species have embryos that look completely different from each other.

  • Darwin’s finches

  • Darwin claimed that the dimensions of finches’ beaks change depending on what types of food they have to eat.

  • Finches don’t evolve - they just adapt back and forth between beak types depending on what type of food is available.

  • Conclusion:

  • None of the icons of evolution have stood the test of time, yet they are still taught in modern textbooks!