Islam is the fastest growing religion in America today. The followers of this religion have a world vision that sees their faith dominating the civilized world in the not-too-distant future. Is it compatible with the religion of Jesus Christ? Can Christians and Muslims live together in peace and serve God/Allah according to their own beliefs?
Islam is a religion based on the Koran, traditions of Muhammad, and Shariah law.
Muhammad lived in a time of corruption in the Arab culture (570-632 AD).
He wanted to restore Arabic worship of the One, True God - thus ending idolatry.
At the age of 40 (610 AD), he received a visit from the angel Gabriel and began his work.
His followers wrote his sayings down in the Koran shortly after his death.
The oral traditions about his life (the Hadith collections) are used to explain the Koran.
Shariah Law is the legal system that stems from the Koran and Hadith.
The Koran is a complex book that teaches many different things:
That Christians and Jews are “people of the Book” - Surah 3:64-71 (the Book = Bible)
“Historical accounts” differ slightly from the Bible - Abraham, Noah, Moses, etc.
Later revelations “abrogate” earlier revelations - Surah 2:106
The Koran is difficult to study because it is not recorded in chronological order. The longer books are written first and the shorter ones follow in descending order of length (more or less - CG).
The Koran and the New Testament are mutually exclusive.
Jesus claims that God’s way is through Him - John 14:6.
The New Testament writers affirmed Jesus’ teachings - Acts 4:10-22; et. al.
Muslims are peaceful - at first (109:6; 2:256); then consolatory (3:28 and the Hadith teachings); and finally violent to infidels/apostates (9:29, 73, 123; 47:34-35; 96:15-18).
Conclusion: There is one mediator between men and God, “the man Jesus Christ” (I Timothy 2:5?
August 14, 2011
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