• Luke 3:12-13 - Jesus’ instructions to tax collectors.
  • Matthew was a better man than his surroundings would indicate.
    • We must rise above our surroundings, too.
  • Matthew was a busy man.
    • Let us never be too busy to follow Jesus.
  • Matthew was willing to pay the price.
    • Luke 9:23 - To follow Jesus, we must deny ourselves.
    • Matthew 4:18-22 - Peter, Andrew, James, and John also paid the price to put Jesus first.
    • If heaven is worth anything, it is worth everything!
  • Matthew was a modest man.
    • I Peter 5:5-6 - We must humble ourselves if we want God to exalt us.
    • Matthew 10:35-37
    • Let us be humble enough to deny self and follow Jesus.
  • Matthew was interested in the souls of others.
    • Let us be interested enough in the souls of others to put forth an effort to bring them to Jesus.