• Ephesians 6 - honor both fathers and mothers every day
  • Luke 1:28ff - Mary celebrate the dignity of her role.
    • Her response to the angel was to let it be done according to God’s will.
    • Luke 2:24 - Mary and Joseph were poor and endured much physically.
    • Don’t let the day-to-day tasks bring you down and don’t complain.
    • Luke 1:46 - Mary didn’t demand special treatment but she knew and was content with the fact that future generations would count her as blessed.
  • Matthew 15:21ff - The Syrophoenician woman showed humble persistence.
    • Mothers will do whatever it takes to care for their children.
    • Because she kept her composure and humility, Jesus granted her request.
    • Ephesians 5:22-25 - Mothers can show their children that submission is not drudging and is not a terrible thing but a loving thing.
    • Luke 18:2-8 - Jesus wanted us to know that we can pray and not lose heart, have persistence.
  • Acts 16:1-2 - Lois and Eunice exemplified sincere faith. They showed faith during a time when it was risky to obey.
    • Because of their faith Timothy developed a good reputation in the area.
    • II Timothy 1:5 - These ladies did a good job of passing their faith on to Timothy.
    • To be a good mother in the eyes of God, bring your kids into contact with the word of God and develop in them sincere faith.