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  • Philippians 4:6
  • Petitions
    • Forforgiveness of sins
    • For brethren (Acts 12:5
    • For preachers of the word to stand
    • For the word to have free course (II Thessalonians 3:1
    • For enemies and those who persecute you
    • For sinners to be saved
    • For rulers
    • For wisdom
    • For physical things
      • Some teach that God doesn’t answer prayers for physical things, but this is not scriptural.
      • Romans 15:25-32 - Paul asked others to pray for his physical wellbeing.

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  • The writer of the book is Paul. The author is the Holy Spirit.
  • The book was probably written about A.D. 52.
  • Paul was in Corinth when he wrote the letter.
  • Acts 17:1-10 - The beginning of the church in Thessalonica.
  • I Thessalonians 1:4 - Can my brethren see my life and know that my election is secure?

For further study, see also:

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  • For what is a Christian to pray?
    • Negatively:
      • Not for the Holy Spirit to come to Him (John 16:13
      • Not for God to love him (John 3:16
      • Nor for Jesus to come to him (Matthew 11:28
      • Not for saving power to come to him (Romans 1:16
      • Not for God to be willing to save him (II Peter 3:9
      • Not for forgiveness for one who will not repent
  • Acceptable prayer consists of:
    • Praise to God
      • “Hallowed” - Matthew 6:9
      • “Trust” - Psalms 7:1
      • “Excellent” - Psalms 8:1
      • “Praise” - Psalms 9:1
      • “Rock, fortress, deliverer, strength”
    • Thanksgiving
      • Psalms 105:1
    • Confession of sins
      • Psalms 32:5
    • Petitions
      • Which we will notice in our next lesson.

For further study, see also:

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