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  • Ezekiel 18
  • Sin is a problem that has plagued humanity from the beginning in Genesis 3.
    • Romans 6:3
  • The Israelites felt they were being unjustly punished (by captivity) for the unfaithfulness of their fathers. In Ezekiel 18, God is refuting this thinking and showing that although the consequences may pass from generation to generation, each man is responsible for his own sin.
  • Sin is our problem! II Corinthians 5:10
  • Is my sin solely my problem?
    • Ezekiel 3:17-21 - We also have the responsibility to warn others that are in sin.
    • James 5:16
    • II Corinthians 4
  • Each individual’s sin can become everyone’s problem.
    • Ezekiel 22:23-29
    • Numbers 25:6-9
    • I Corinthians 5:5-8

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  • Keep emotions in check
    • Titus 1:4
    • Consider two scenarios:
      • There are objections to a certain man’s qualifications
        • I Timothy 4:12
      • The members start “taking sides”
        • I Corinthians 1:11-13
  • Take the qualifications seriously, given the work.
    • Able to teach
      • I Timothy 3:2 - Elders need to be able to teach so that they can take the lead in defending against error.
    • Aspires/desires the work
      • I Timothy 3:1
    • Sensible, just, devout
      • Hebrews 5:14
    • Temperate, gentle, peacable, not pugnacious
      • I Thessalonians 5:12-15
  • Don’t be stricter than God
    • I Peter 5:1

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  • I Thessalonians 5:17. Jesus prayed at His baptism, when He woke up, when He went to sleep, before He ate, when He had a big decision to make, when He was tempted, and before His death. If we pray without ceasing, it won’t be long between our last prayer and our last breath.
  • I Thessalonians 5:18 - This does not mean that we should rejoice even when evil happens. It means we should have a general attitude of rejoicing, not of constant complaining.
  • I Thessalonians 5:19 - We quench the Spirit when we trample underfoot the word of God.

For further study, see also:

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  • Acts 6:1-7 - Men chosen for special service in the church.
  • Qualifications of elders:
    • Desire
    • Blameless
    • The husband of one wife
    • Vigilant
    • Sober
    • Of good behavior
    • Given to hospitality
    • Apt to teach
    • Not given to wine
    • No striker
    • Not greedy of filthy lucre
    • Patient
    • Not a brawler
    • Not covetous
    • One that rules his own house well
    • Having his children in subjection with all gravity
    • Not a novice
    • Havea good report of them which are without
    • Not selfwilled
    • Not soon angry

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  • Nehemiah 8
  • They stood up (out of respect)
    • I Thessalonians 2:12
    • Hebrews 3:7-8
  • They listened up (to understand)
    • Nehemiah 8:2, they had a mind to listen.
    • Ephesians 3:4
    • II Timothy 2:15
  • They lived up (to the standard)
    • Nehemiah 8:6
    • Nehemiah 8:14 - They started serving God in a way that they hadn’t since the days of Joshua.
    • I Timothy 3:14-15 - We have instruction on how we should live.

For further study, see also:

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