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  • “We speak where the Bible speaks and are silent where the Bible is silent.”
  • Nine scriptures deal with benevolence in the New Testament:
    • Acts 2:44-45
    • Acts 4:32-35
    • Acts 6:1-6
    • Acts 11:27-30
    • Romans 15:25-31
    • I Corinthians 16:1-3
    • II Corinthians 8:1-14
    • II Corinthians 9:1-14
    • I Timothy 5:16
  • In all of these scriptures, it is a local church relieving needy saints.
  • We must always be careful with what we do with the Lord’s money. It’s not wrong to help the secular poor. It’s just not the responsibility of the church to do so.

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The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

  • Can we worship the Holy Spirit directly?
  • All three persons of deity were involved in creation.
    • Genesis 1:2
    • The Holy Spirit adorned the heavens (Job 26:13.
    • Man was created in the image of the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:26.
  • The Holy Spirit directed mankind in the antediluvian (pre-flood) period by speaking directly to men.
  • The premier work of the Holy spirit in the Old Testament was revealing God’s word to man. Genesis 41:16
  • The Holy spirit moved men to speak the will of God (II Peter 1:20-21.
  • What was the promise of the Holy Spirit as mentioned in Acts 2:33?
  • The Holy Spirit empowered people to perform wondrous events. I Samuel 11:6
  • The Old Testament reveals that the Holy Spirit is a distinct person of deity. Psalms 139:7-12
  • Who is speaking in Psalms 95:7-11?
    • The Holy Spirit (Hebrews 3:7-11

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  • Christian graces, continued:
    • Brotherly kindness - Proverbs 31:26
    • Love - what should we love?
      • God - Matthew 22:37
      • Our spouse - Ephesians 5:25
      • Our brethren - Galatians 5:13
      • Our children - Titus 2:3-5
      • Our parents - Ephesians 6:1-2
      • Not the world - I John 2:15
      • Wisdom: Proverbs 4:6
      • Truth - Proverbs 23:23
      • Enemies: Matthew 5:44
      • Not money: I Timothy 6:10
  • Prayer
    • What prayer is
    • How often to pray - Luke 18:1-8
    • Example of those who prayed
      • Abraham - Genesis 12:7-8
      • Jacob - Genesis 32:9-12
      • Moses - Exodus 32:11-13
      • Jesus - Matthew 14:23
      • Paul - Ephesians 3:14-21
      • Peter - Acts 9:40
      • Cornelius - Acts 10:1-2
    • Who should we pray for?
      • Elders
      • Enemies - Matthew 5:44
      • Civil authorities - I timothy 2:1-3
      • Those who preach the gospel - Acts 12:5
      • The church - James 5:16
    • What should we pray for?
      • Food/necessities - Matthew 6:11
      • Spiritual strength in others - Ephesians 3:14-19
      • Forgiveness of sins - Matthew 6:12
      • Deliverance from temptation - Matthew 6:13
      • To ease suffering - James 5:13
      • Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding - James 1:5-7
      • Unity
      • Peace - I Timothy 2:1-2
      • Laborers in God’s harvest - Matthew 9:38
    • To whom are we to pray?
      • God - John 16:23
    • To whom do we not pray?
      • Anyone else (Mary, angels, dead saints, etc.)!
      • We can pray to Jesus: Acts 7:59

For further study, see also:

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  • God authorized singing.
    • Matthew 26:30
  • Arguments and questions
    • Instruments are just aids, like pitch pipes or song books.
      • Instruments are an addition, not just an aid.
        • When God authorizes an action, then any non-sinful methods or aids that fall under the umbrella of completing that action are also authorized.
    • The Greek word psallo includes instruments.
      • No, it doesn’t, and it never did.
        • Psallo only meant “sing” in the New Testament.
    • What is the history of instrumental music in worship?
      • In the beginning, there was none.
      • AD 670 - first organ in a Roman Catholic church
      • Late 1200s - organs became generally accepted
      • 1500s - organs were found in nearly ever important Roman Catholic church
      • Late 1500s - instruments absent from “reformed” churches
      • Who changed?

For further study, see also:

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