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  • The story of how three apostles became complete through Christ.
  • John: the apostle of love?
    • Mark 3:17 - Called a son of thunder?
    • Luke 9:51-56
    • Mark 9:38-41
    • “He is a liar and the truth is not in him.”
    • The balance of truth and love
      • I John 1 show John’s balance of love and truth.
      • Love is truthful: I Corinthians 13:6
      • Speak truth in love: Ephesians 4:14-15
      • Point: We must have both love and truth. They are made perfect together.
      • Matthew 18:15
  • The balance of humility and action
    • The apostle Paul was naturally active in working.
      • Persecuted the church in Acts 8:1-3
      • Philippians 3:4-6 - confidence in the flesh
    • Christ brought a change in Acts 9 and taught humility.
      • II Corinthians 12:7-10 - a thorn in the flesh
      • Philippians 1:21
      • Paul’s admonition: I Corinthians 15:58
    • Moses: humility without action
      • Exodus 3:10-11
      • Exodus 4:10-12
    • Point: we need to have a balance of humiltiy and action in working for God.
  • The balance of trust/faith and knowledge
    • Peter: some initial truth/faith but without knowledge
      • Luke 5:1-5
      • Matthew 14:22-33 - walking on the water
      • John 21:19-22
    • Some follow Christ with truth/faith but without knowledge
      • Hosea 4:6
      • Romans 10:1-2
    • Can we at times follow Christ with knowledge but without trust/faith?
      • Prayer: James 1:5-7
      • Trust in God’s control
        • Matthew 6:25-30
        • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • Learn balance
    • With both truth and love
    • With both humility and action
    • With both faith/trust and knowledge
    • I Corinthians 11:1

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  • II John 9
  • Direct command
    • God tells people what to do.
      • Luke 24:49
    • The Bible teaches us to pay attention to direct commands.
      • Matthew 28:18-20
    • Acts 2:38
  • Divine statement
    • A statement of truth
    • The Bible teaches us to pay attention to Divine statements.
      • Matthew 19:3-6
    • Mark 16:15-16
  • Approved example
    • God approved of certain actions in the Bible, so we can follow those examples.
    • The Bible teaches us to pay attention to approved examples.
      • John 15:12
      • II John 11
    • Mark 3:5
  • Unavoidable conclusion
    • The understanding of facts which are not stated by the facts which are stated
    • The Bible teaches us to pay attention to unavoidable conclusions.
      • Acts 10:15-34
      • Genesis 14:18-20; Hebews 7:1-12
      • Exodus 3:6
      • Genesis 2:24
    • Acts 8:35-36
    • Matthew 26:26
  • How to be saved
    • Hebrews 11:6
    • Acts 17:30
    • Romans 10:10
    • Acts 2:41

For further study, see also:

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  • The indwelling of the Holy Spirit
    • Romans 8:9
    • The question is not if the Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian. The question is how this happens.
    • There are two main views on this:
      • A literal, physical dwelling of the Holy Spirit within man.
      • The Holy Spirit dwells within man through the Word of God.
        • Many scriptures demonstrate that this is the way the Holy Spirit operates today.

For further study, see also:

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  • Acts 13:48
  • Text: What does Acts 13:48 say?
    • Acts 16 show that belief comes first.
  • What does “appointed” (“ordained”) mean?
    • Greek: tasso
      • To arrange in an orderly manner; to set aside for a special purpose.
      • Acts 15:2
  • Context: What do the surrounding verses say?
  • Harmony: What does the rest of the Bible say?
    • God is impartial. Romans 2:5-11
    • God wants all to come to repentance. II Peter 3:9
    • God warns about the devil. I Peter 5:8
    • Salvation depends upon man’s obedience. Matthew 7:21
  • Conclusion: The meaning of Acts 13:48

For further study, see also:

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