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  • What are your thoughts? What influences your thoughts?
    • Unkind thoughts
    • Selfish thoughts
    • I Peter 2:1-2
  • We must control our thoughts.
    • Philippians 4:7-8
  • Some good habits - to be formed
    • Daily Bible reading
      • II Timothy 2:15
    • Daily prayer
      • I Thessalonians 5:17
    • Regularly meeting with the saints
      • Psalm 122:1
    • Helpfulness, friendliness, unselfishness, etc.
      • Galatians 6:10
  • Some bad habits - to be broken
    • Unkind words
    • Selfishness
    • Retaliation
    • Complaining

For further study, see also:

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  • Acts 14:27
  • Their thankfulness (Philippians 4:19
  • Their circumstances (Ephesians 6:21
  • Their work
  • Our fellowship
    • Read the reports and stay informed.
    • Continue to give our money so that this work is supported.
    • Pray for these men, their families, the local churches with whom they labor, and the communities in which they live.
    • Send a note, email, or care package.

For further study, see also:

Questions or comments? Join our Discord server for further study.

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  • John the Baptist - Matthew 11:7-11 - Courage
    • Matthew 14 - John the Baptist stands up to Herod
  • Nathanael - John 1:47 - Purity
    • II Corinthians 10:4-6
  • Mary - Mark 14:3-9 - Service
  • Roman centurion - Matthew 8:5-10 - Unusual faith
    • Mark 5:25-34
  • Canaanine woman -Matthew 15:22-28 - Great faith
  • Poor widow - Mark 12:43-44 - Sacrificial giving
  • Leper - Luke 17:11-19 - Gratitude
  • Mary - Luke 10:42 - Spiritual minded
  • Whosoever - Matthew 5:17-19 - Do and teach

For further study, see also:

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  • What is the meaning of Messiah?
    • Anointed
    • Daniel is the only Old Testament book that refers to Jesus as Messiah.
    • Matthew 22:41-46 - The Jews did not understand that the Messiah was the So of God.
  • Jesus: The Anointed One
    • The genealogy of Jesus
      • Romans 1:3-4 - The bible references the pedigree of Jesus.
      • Numbers 26:52-54 - line of descent was of utmost importance
      • II Samuel 7:9-13 - claims to the throne through Davidic lineage
      • Ezra 2:62 - ancestry of priests
      • Matthew 1:11-17 - Jesus descended from Abraham
      • Genesis 12:1-3 - all nations blessed through Abraham’s seed
      • John 8:56-59 - Abraham looked forward to the Messiah
      • Numbers 24:17 - “star out of Jacob”
      • Isaiah 11:1 - “a shoot from Jesse”
    • The witness of scripture
      • John 5:39 - Jesus knew scripture testified about Him.
      • Acts 3:18 - The apostles appealed to scripture to prove Jesus was the Messiah.
      • Acts 8:35 believed because of the Scripture.
      • Specific prophecies about the Messiah:
        • Jeremiah 23:5-6 - He would be both God and man.
        • Psalms 2:7 - He would be the Son of God.
        • Psalms 97:7 - The angels would worship Him.
        • Isaiah 7:14 - He would be the Son of a virgin.
        • Micah 5:2 - He would be born in Bethlehem.
        • Psalms 22:9-10 - He would know His identity from His youth.
    • The witness of miracles
      • Jesus offered His miracles as proof of His identity. John 5:36
      • God uses miracles to confirm His messengers. Hebrews 2:3-4
        • John 3:2 - Nicodemus recognized this fact.
        • Acts 2:22 - Peter recognized this.
    • The witness of the resurrection
      • John 2:19-22 - Jesus said His resurrection would prove His authority.
      • Matthew 16:21 - The resurrection was not an act of despair from the disciples. Jesus proclaimed it throughout His ministry.
      • The apostles appealed to the resurrection as proof of Jesus’ authority.
        • Acts 2:32 - Consider Peter’s sermon.
        • Acts 17:31 - Consider Paul’s teaching.

For further study, see also:

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