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  • The cure for absenteeism
    • Matthew 6:33 - Absenteeism boils down to a lack of commitment to Christ.
  • Thoughts on worship
    • Worship: “homage rendered to God”
    • Kinds of worship:
      • Acts 17:23 - ignorant worship
      • Matthew 15:8-9 - vain worship
      • Colossians 2:23 - manmade worship
      • John 4:23-24 - true worship
    • What the Bible tells us about worship: John 4:24
    • Heavenly worship: Revelation 4:8-11
  • The five acts of worship:
    • Singing (Ephesians 5:19
    • Praying (I Thessalonians 5:17

For further study, see also:

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