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  • Lamentations 3:40
  • Have I lived more righteously?
    • Romans 6:12 - Our bodies are not to be used unrighteously.
    • I Timothy 6:11 - Pursue righteousness.
  • Have I gotten better about reading the Bible?
    • Luke 10:38-42 - God must be our priority.
    • Deuteronomy 17:18-20 - The king was to read God’s law every day.
  • Have I increased my prayers?
    • Daniel 6:10 - Daniel refuses to stop praying.
    • Romans 12:12-13 - We are commanded to pray.
  • Have I done better in sharing the gospel?
    • Mark 12:41-44 - The widow contributing to the treasury.
    • I Corinthians 3:6

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  • Romans 7:13-23
  • Philippians 3:12-14
  • What can hinder us?
    • Relationships
      • Family (Matthew 10:34-37
      • Friends (I Corinthians 15:33
    • Personal interests
      • Hobbies, careers, school activities (Luke 9:59-62
    • Sin
  • How do we remove these hindrances?
    • Relationships
      • Deal drastically with these issues (Matthew 18:7-9
    • Personal interests
      • Remain focused on Jesus to retain the right perspective on all else (Hebrews 12:1-2
    • Sin
      • Resist sin, and take preventative measures against it (Ephesians 4:27
      • Confess our sin (I John 1:9
    • Know God’s Word
      • Study, renew, transform (Romans 12:2
  • We must always remember …
    • The greatness of God’s love (Ephesians 3:14-19
    • Christ is eager to forgive (Luke 5:17-20
    • Though He is full of grace and mercy, He still expects our best effort (I Corinthians 10:13

For further study, see also:

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  • II Peter 1:5-11
  • Self-control is being the master of one’s own desires.
  • Self-control is more than abstinence.
    • It is moderation in things that are right.
    • It is abstinence in things that are wrong. (Galatians 5:19-21
    • It is strict obedience in things that are commanded. (Matthew 18:18
  • Self-control
    • Is necessary for any worthwhile accomplishment.
    • How can self-control be obtained?
      • Matthew 4:4 - Jesus resisting the devil by using what was written
      • Prayer
    • Is that great quality that enables one to walk in the world and yet keep self unspotted from the world.
    • A Christian will give diligence to exercise self-control.

For further study, see also:

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  • I Peter 4:3-4
  • To be a believer in a world of unbelievers
  • To do right things in religion
    • John 4:23-24
  • To be undemoninational in a denominational world
    • Matthew 16:18
  • To live securely in an insecure world
    • I John 2:1-2
  • To live godly in an ungodly world
  • To be sustained by hope in a hopeless world
    • Hebrews 6:18-20
    • The more we know about Jesus, the stroger our hope.
    • The more we read the Word, the more we know about Jesus.
  • Brethren, it is all out for Jesus or Jesus is out of it all!

For further study, see also:

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