- There are Christians all over the world worshiping God today!
The Philippines
- The population is 106 million people, but the country is only 120,000 square miles. A third the population of the US, but only a thirtieth of the land. Population density is much higher.
- Our work
- There 2 weeks
- 16 congregations
- About 22 sermons – all translated except 1
- 9 Q & A sessions
- One radio program
- One debate / discussion – 7th Day Adventist
- Countless Bible studies with preachers
- Lindsay
- 5 ladies’ classes
- 5 children’s classes
Things you will learn if you go on these trips:
- Realize your Bible knowledge is lacking.
- You must get out of your comfort zone.
- The perspective you will gain.
Challenges in Central / South America
- The mentality that men are too good or too macho for spirituality.
- The definition of marriage.
- Already involved
- If you would like to go sometime
- Balikbayan boxes
- Individual financial help
- Ongoing Bible studies via Zoom
Luke 5
- Luke 5:8 – Peter realized his condition!