Who was Jethro?

  • After Sarah died
    • Abraham takes Keturah as wife
    • Keturah bears him sons
    • One son was Midian
  • Midianites settled “to the east” (Genesis 25:6)
  • Joseph’s brothers sold him to Midianites (Genesis 47)
  • Joined Moabites in hiring Balaam (Numbers 22)
  • Fell into idolatry with Moabites (Numbers 25)

Names attributed to Jethro

  • Jethro – Exodus 3:1; 4:18; 18:1-12
  • Reuel – Exodus 2:18; Numbers 10:29
  • Hobab – Numbers 10:29; Judges 4:11
  • Putiel – Exodus 6:25
  • Heber – Judges 4, 5 (Jael’s husband)

Jethro the priest

  • Exodus 2:16 – “… the priest of Midian …”
    • No mention of idols
    • No mention of what kind of priest
    • On the other hand, Melchizedek is identified with God (Genesis 14:18)
  • What kind of priest?
    • Tradition
      • Idolatrous priest, won over to God through the miracles done for Israel in the Exodus (Talmud)
      • Priest of God (secular historians)
        • First to teach Moses of God
        • The originator of monotheism among Israelites via Moses
      • Depends on who traditions you choose
      • Brings us to the problems with following traditions
    • Scriptural indications
      • Simple and straightforward
      • Called a priest of Midian with no mention of idolatry
        • Midianites were into idolatry – Numbers 25
        • So were Israelites – Exodus 32
      • His words praise only God – Exodus 18

Jethro (and his aliases) in scripture

  • First found in Exodus 2:15-22
    • Moses about age 40
    • Flees Egypt, winds up at Midianite wel
    • The Jethro family encounter
  • In Exodus 3, first called Jethro
    • Identified a father-in-law to Moses, priest of Midian (Exodus 3:1)
    • Again in next chapter, as Moses asks his leave (Exodus 4:18)
  • Not seen again until chapter 18
    • Sends word that he is visiting

Jethro’s visit to the encampment (Exodus 18:1-12)

  • Greeted outside the camp
  • Taken into the camp
    • Hears recount of the Exodus from Egypt
    • Rejoices over God’s lovingkindness over Israel
    • Blesses God
    • Makes sacrifices to God
    • Dines with Aaron and elders of Israel

Jethro organizes Moses (Exodus 18:13-27)

  • Jethro observes a day in the life of Moses
    • Sunup to sundown
    • Counsels Moses
      • Too much for one man
      • Set priorities
      • Delegated actions
      • Gives qualifications
      • Stipulates God’s approval
    • Moses follows through
  • Jethro takes his leave

Other possible encounters

  • Numbers 10:29 – Hobab
    • Same as Jethro?
    • Judges 4:11 – same Hobab? Same lineage?