What about David?

  • Still young – mid 20s
  • Saul still king
    • David already anointed
    • Goliath killed
    • David on the run from Saul
    • Saul had 85 priests killed
    • David spared Saul’s life at Engedi
    • Samuel dies
  • I Samuel 25
  • David just back from sparing Saul
  • Still hiding out
  • Considerate of Nabal and his men
  • Sends emissaries to Nabal
    • We’ve been good to your shepherds
    • Let us eat from your leftovers

David itching for a fight

  • What kind of people did David hang out with?
    • David himself a fighter
      • Lion
      • Bear
      • Goliath
    • Jonathan
    • David’s mighty men
      • II Samuel 23

Abigail acts

  • This is the first she’s heard
    • Nabal had insulted the greatest warfighter in Israel
    • Didn’t bother to tell his wife
    • Now she’s hearing it for the first time
  • Time to act
    • No delay
    • No holding back
  • David and Abigail meet on the trail
    • David still fuming
    • Totally set for a fight
    • Vows death and destruction
    • Abigail shows humility and contriteness
    • Begs David’s audience

Abigail’s plea to David

  • Plays down Nabal’s importance
    • He is as his name – foolish folly
    • No need to heed
  • Takes blame again
  • Calls David’s intent sinful – without calling it sinful
  • Calls all of David’s enemies worthless
  • Shows that she listens well
  • Blesses David
  • Appeals to what David knows well

David relents

  • Abigail acknowledges David’s kingship
    • Reminds David of the sinful nature of his quest
    • Asks David to remember her when God blesses him
  • David thanks God for sending Abigail to him
    • Admits his quest was wrong in God’s eyes
    • Notes the harm he had been determined to do


  • David takes the gifts, sends Abigail home
  • Finds Nabal
    • Feasting, acting the happy drunk
    • Abigail keeps her silence
    • Waits until morning
  • Hangover comes
    • Abigail tells all
    • Nabal catatonic
    • Dies ten days later


  • David learns from Abigail
    • Acts quickly at the news of Nabal
    • Acknowledges being blessed by Abigail’s intervention
    • Proclaims that Nabal’s death was at God’s hand
    • Proposes remotely to Abigail
  • Abigail’s response
    • Not arrogant at her new position
    • Totally humble
    • Quick to go
    • Begins a life of adventure with David