Galatians 1, continued
How Paul got the gospel he preached (Galatians 1:11-14)
- Was revealed from Jesus Christ
- Paul knew the Galatians were familiar with his former life
- Persecuted and tried to destroy the church
- Outdoing his contemporary Jews – more zealous
- Why would Paul be such a zealot? Possibly …
- Not born in Jerusalem – born in Tarsus
- Not born to two Jewish parents – born to a Jew and a Greek with Roman citizenship
- Born with “evil” Roman citizenship
- Short – he was not like most Pharisees in Jerusalem
- East-west divide among Jews
- Hellenistic Jews had a lower standing in many people’s minds than Jews from other areas.
- So here was Paul – Mister Different
- Paul kicks against the goads
- Paul an expert with the Word – Acts 5:34; 22:3
- He should have known!
- Present at Stephen’s sermon – used status to approve
- Side note: Philippian jailer, Paul, and Silas (Acts 16)
- Paul persecutes – not doubt heard same, but trying to outdo Stephen’s murderers
- He was pleasing – outdoing – them while resisting the Holy Spirit
- He was advancing beyond his contemporaries
- Being exposed to gospel at the same time
- Paul an expert with the Word – Acts 5:34; 22:3
Galatians 1:15-17
- God knew Paul
- From before his birth
- Understood his character and love for God
- Persistence
- Dedication
- Zealous nature
- God would set Paul apart
- To preach the gospel to the Gentiles
- Once Jesus is revealed to Paul
- No longer striving to be best Jew and Pharisee
- Not any of what he’d previously been
- Where did Paul go?
- Not Jerusalem!
- He went there later
- Paul’s next move – what would most of us expect?
- Not consulting with Peter, James, etc.
- Paul didn’t go to get “trained” or to “intern”
- Went to Arabia
- Back to Damascus
- Saw no apostles
Galatians 1:18-20
- Quite a while in Damascus
- Then on to Jerusalem
- Met with Cephas/Peter and apostle James (Jesus’ brother)
- No others – what is that important?
- Revelation came from Jesus via Holy Spirit
- Was not trained by apostles, not ordained at Jerusalem
- Then on to Jerusalem
- Why would he make an oath as to the truth?
- Affirming all he’d written about this
- Quite critical to his apostleship
- It was real
- Jesus had given authority as apostle
Galatians 1:21-24
- As read in Acts 9:25-30 and Galatians 1:21
- Fled Jerusalem
- Taken to Caesarea
- Moved on to Tarsus – capital of Cilicia
- Judean Christians
- Couldn’t recognize him by sight
- They knew OF him!
- Praised God – he was converted and preaching the word