Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness (Romans 4:1-25)

  • Romans 4:2 – Compare Romans 3:20, 28. None of us can be saved on the basis of law-keeping.

  • Romans 4:4 – In a physical job, the employer owes the employee his wages – it is not a gift. It is not that way with God and salvation. Salvation is a gift from God. Regardless of how many good deeds we have done, none of them can make up for our sins. “Words” here is about being perfect.

  • Romans 4:1-8 – If a person never sinned, he would be righteous by works. If he sinned and God forgave him because of the man’s faith, he would be righteous by grace (through faith). Abraham fell in the latter category, as do all of us.

  • Romans 4:3 – “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.”

    • Scripture records this statement on three occasions:

      • Genesis 15:6 – When God said Abraham would have an heir.

      • Genesis 17:16; 21:5; Romans 4:18-22 – When God said Sarah would be the mother.

      • Genesis 22:10; James 2:21-24 – When Abraham was willing to offer Isaac.

    • Abraham had a long record of obedient faith even before Genesis 15:6.

      • Genesis 11:31; Acts 7:2-4 – Abraham and family moved from Ur to Haran.

      • Genesis 12:1, 4 – Abraham traveled from Haran to Canaan.

      • Genesis 12:7 – He built an altar to God after God’s promise.

      • Genesis 12:8 – He again built an altar.

      • Genesis 13:4 – He called upon the name of the Lord.

      • Genesis 13:6-12 – Abraham made peace with Lot.

      • Genesis 13:14-18 – Abraham built another altar after God renewed His promises.

      • Genesis 14:18-20 – Abraham met Melchizedek and gave him a tenth of all.

  • Romans 4:6-8 – Even Abraham sinned (Genesis 12:13). He, like us, was justified by faith instead of perfect works.

  • Romans 4:9-13 – Abraham’s faith was credited to him before he was circumcised. The Jews prided themselves on circumcision, but Paul brought up this fact that they may have never thought about.

  • Romans 4:14-17 – Law systems, such as the Law of Moses, bring about wrath because no one perfectly obeys the laws. What we need is a system of faith and grace.