- The Lord’s church does not continue by succession. (A local church does not trace it’s history back to other local churches in the past.)
- The church in the universal sense is a direct relationship between God and Christians. There is no other structure involved.
- In a local church, saints depend on each other to work and worship together.
Three basic forms of church government
Universal concept
Universal church is made up of local churches, each made up of Christians.
The prime example of this concept is the Roman Catholic church, where the pope acts as the universal overseer.
Universal oversight
Universal treasury
Universal work
Brotherhood concept
Local churches operate under the oversight of a conference. The conference only has oversight over churches in that conference.
A good example of this concept is the Southern Methodist Conference.
Brotherhood oversight
Brotherhood treasury
Brotherhood work
The conference has power to move and replace preachers, as well as pass teaching material down to local churches.
Local concept
Members belong to local churches, with no organization above. Local churches have full autonomy.
Local oversight – Philippians 1:1; Titus 1:5
Local treasury – I Corinthians 16:1
Local work – Philippians 4:15-16; II Corinthians 11:8; I Corinthians 9:14
Churches of Christ are an example of this concept, where Jesus is the head.
This is the only organization approved in the Bible.
Brotherhood + local concept
Local churches join a convention. The convention maintains a very loose control over member churches.
A good example would be the Southern Baptist Convention.
They claim:
Local oversight
Local treasury
Local work
They also have:
Brotherhood oversight
Brotherhood treasury
Brotherhood work
Buckner Children’s Home
Baptist Hour radio program
Another example would be “Churches of Christ” (those that subscribe to institutionalism)
They claim:
Local oversight
Local treasury
Local work
They also have:
Brotherhood oversight
Brotherhood treasury
Brotherhood work
Herald of Truth
Bole’s Children’s Home