- Psalm 11
- Psalm 11:3 – What foundations are David speaking of?
- Foundations under attack:
- Marriage relationship
- Genesis 2 – God institutes marriage: one man and one woman for life.
- Romans 7:2-3
- By Genesis 4, Lamech had already gone beyond God’s marriage law by marrying multiple women.
- Now feminism and the push for homosexual marriage are attacking God’s marriage law.
- Civil government
- Romans 13:1-5
- Genesis 9:6 – God has always demanded life for life. It was in effect during the patriarchal era, the law of Moses, and now under the gospel.
- There is a push in effect to change the government away from what God would have it be.
- The church
- Ephesians 2:14-18; Matthew 6:18
- Matthew 20:28, 32
- When men put churches into the business of doing things other than what God assigned them to do, God’s church is under attack.
- What then can we do?
- Keep trusting God (Psalms 11:1)
- Keep being righteous (Psalms 11:7)
- Keep teaching others
- If heaven is worth anything, it’s worth everything!
- Marriage relationship
January 21, 2016
For further study, see also:
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