• Luke 7:18
  • Luke 7:18-23 – John had already declared Jesus to be the one who was coming after him. It is possible John sent these disciples to ask this question for their benefit.
  • Luke 7:24-35 – Roles in service to God do not necessarily come with earthly glory.
  • Luke 7:36-50 – A woman anoints Jesus and washes His feet with her hair. Jesus teaches a parable showing that those who have been forgiven the most love the most.
  • Luke 8:1-3 – Compare Luke 9:58. Jesus did not have a lavish lifestyle.
  • Luke 8:4-15 – Parable of the sower (or the soils). Notice that no one understood the parable right away. Those who wanted to understand came and asked and learned the full meaning. It is important for us to work to be good soil. It is not enough for us to academically know God’s Word – we have to apply it and bear fruit.