- When My Love To Christ Grows Weak (752)
- Survey of current hymn writers
- Where does the seed of an idea come from?
- II Timothy 3:16 – Drawing on the Bible is the closest that uninspired writers can get to the inspired songs we read.
- How do you arrange the thoughts you want to include in the song?
- Narratives
- Progressions of importance
- Illustrative
- Major and subordinate concepts
- These are all techniques the Holy Spirit uses in the Bible.
- How do you decide the extent of poetic license?
- I Corinthians 2:13 – Paul spoke with words taught by the Spirit.
- II Peter 1:3 – God has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness. Do we need anything else?
- How much do you worry about songs being unscriptural?
- I Peter 4:11
- James 3:1
- Why do you use choruses, echoes, etc.?
- Repetition used in Psalms 24; 118; 136
- Matthew 6:7 – Jesus condemned vain repetition.
- Which comes first, the music or the lyrics?
- Generally, the lyrics come first.
- Regardless of the order of the writing, the emphasis is on the message.
- John 4:21-24
- Ephesians 5:19
- When is a song finished?
- Where does the seed of an idea come from?
May 07, 2014
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