• Here’s the main point the Bible will teach us about joy:

  • A Christian’s joy emanates from the saved relationship - its hope of heaven plus any current blessings.

  • I Peter 1:8

  • What can we learn about the source of joy from passages such as Hebrews 10:32-36?

  • Acts 22:4-5

  • “knowing that you have a better possession and an abiding one”

  • What was it that elicited the rejoicing on the part of the Ethiopian man (Acts 8:38-39?

  • They had been baptized into Christ! They now experienced the joy of salvation.

  • Psalms 51:8-14

  • Matthew 13:44

  • What was Paul’s circumstance when he was inspired to write Philippians (Philippians 1:7?

  • He was in prison.

  • What can we learn about joy from the book of Philippians?

  • Joy comes from:

  • Being saved

  • Being in fellowship with other saved people

  • Being able to get others saved

  • What does the Bible mean when it describes people who were, for instance, “continually filled with joy” (Acts 13:52?

  • Continual joy is the long term attitude of joy that is not threatened by the ups and downs of life.

  • Hebrews 12:11

  • If others see a Christian being truly joyful, it has a good influence on them.