Here’s the main point the Bible will teach us about joy:
A Christian’s joy emanates from the saved relationship - its hope of heaven plus any current blessings.
I Peter 1:8
What can we learn about the source of joy from passages such as Hebrews 10:32-36?
Acts 22:4-5
“knowing that you have a better possession and an abiding one”
What was it that elicited the rejoicing on the part of the Ethiopian man (Acts 8:38-39?
They had been baptized into Christ! They now experienced the joy of salvation.
Psalms 51:8-14
Matthew 13:44
What was Paul’s circumstance when he was inspired to write Philippians (Philippians 1:7?
He was in prison.
What can we learn about joy from the book of Philippians?
Joy comes from:
Being saved
Being in fellowship with other saved people
Being able to get others saved
What does the Bible mean when it describes people who were, for instance, “continually filled with joy” (Acts 13:52?
Continual joy is the long term attitude of joy that is not threatened by the ups and downs of life.
Hebrews 12:11
If others see a Christian being truly joyful, it has a good influence on them.
January 18, 2012
For further study, see also:
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