- What is Easter all about?
- Does any worship please God?
- Consider examples from:
- Acts 17:22-23 - Paul preaches to the Athenians about the “unknown god” they had been worshiping in ignorance.
- Leviticus 10
- Conclusion:
- I John 2:3-5 - We must follow God’s commandments
- II John 1:9 - We must abide in the teaching of Christ.
- Consider examples from:
- Has Easter been commanded?
- No!
- How should we remember our Lord?
- I corinthians 11:23-26 - Observance of the Lord’s Supper commanded
- Acts 20:7
- Romans 6:3-6
- Is it okay to celebrate Easter in a secular manner?
- I believe so, with some limits.
- I Corinthians 8:8-13
April 24, 2011
For further study, see also:
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