- Arguments and questions:
- Harps are used in heaven (Revelation 5:8
- You can’t prove that these are literal harps.
- Why stop with the harps?
- If these passages are indeed describing the worship of God with harps in Heaven, the fact remains that the nature and objects of Heaven don’t regulate the worship of the New Testament church.
- Why didn’t the apostles teach New Testament Christians to worship with harps?
- We should use our God-given talents to worship Him.
- What passage teaches us this?
- Where does it stop?
- God wants us to follow His instructions in worship (John 4:24.
- The Bible doesn’t say not to.
- The silence of the Scripture does not give authority (Colossians 3:17.
- Would we treat our family the same way?
- Take it to the absurd.
- The Bible doesn’t say “sing ONLY”.
- That’s right (Numbers 10:10
- II Chronicles 29:25-28 - Instrumental music was commanded in the Old Testament.
- We follow the New Covenant, not the Old Covenant (Hebrews 8:7-8.
- Harps are used in heaven (Revelation 5:8
- The argument that can’t be made:
- No one can argue that we should use instruments because they are authorized as acceptable worship in the New Testament.
October 24, 2010
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