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  • II Peter 3:18 - command to grow
  • II Corinthians 8:12 - commands for giving
    • God takes into account how we use our blessings
  • Proverbs 4:23-27 - commands for keeping ourselves pure.
  • I Timothy 2:8-9 - How do we display ourselves in public?
    • If we cultivate the correct inner qualities, our outer qualities will follow.
  • The qualification of elders
    • I Timothy 3:2 - a man must be apt to teach
    • I Timothy 3:3 - a man must be hospitable
  • I Corinthians 11:3 - Woman is to be in subjection to man.
    • Because of this, a woman’s head is to be covered.

For further study, see also:

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  • Acts 2-12 - The kingdom is established.
  • Azotus was called Ashdod in the Old Testament. Both that city and Gaza were major cities of the Philistines.
  • Acts 9-14 - Paul’s early work
  • Acts 13:1-14:28 - Paul’s first missionary journey
  • Acts 15:1-18:22;I Thessalonians - II Thessalonians - Paul’s second missionary journey

For further study, see also:

Questions or comments? Join our Discord server for further study.

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