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  • John 10:30-38
  • John 18:37
  • Truth is what is revealed in the Bible
    • Knowledge of God is critical. Hosea 4:6
    • The way god speaks to us today: Hebrews 1:1-2
    • There is no further revelation to come. Jude 3
    • Psalms 119:1ff; Isaiah 59:1-2
    • Jesus is the way to salvation. John 14:6
    • Paul’s background: Philippians 3:5-6
    • Acts 13:46-47
    • God reveals how he wants to be served. I Corinthians 10:1-11
    • All people everywhere must repent. Acts 17:30-31
    • I John 1:1-10
    • The example of Naaman the leper. II Kings 5:1-14

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  • III John 1
  • Gaius
    • III John 1:1-14
      • II John 1:4 - We should rejoice when others are walking in truth.
      • I John 1:6 - We should walk in truth.
    • III John 1:5-8
      • Like Gaius, we can do something in the name of the truth.
    • We don’t have to do some great work for the Lord. We can support the cause through whatever way is available to us. - I Corinthians 12:13-15
  • Diotrephes
    • III John 1:9-10 - He loved to have preeminence in the church.
      • Matthew 23:2
  • Demetrius

For further study, see also:

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  • Now that you are a Christian, what are you to do? (continued)
    • Edify - I Corinthians 12:26-27
    • Seek things which are above - Colossians 3:1-3
    • Seek the kingdom of God - Matthew 6:33
    • Preach the gospel - Mark 16:15-16

Lesson 2: Our Growth

  • The Christian graces (II Peter 1:5-7:
    • Faith
    • Virtue
    • Knowledge
    • Self-control
    • Steadfastness
    • Godliness
    • Brotherly affection
    • Love
  • II Peter 1:8-11 explains the results of these traits.
  • The traits:
    • Faith
      • Faith is a firm conviction.
      • We should have unlimited faith in God alone.
      • Physical things do not warrant unlimited faith.

For further study, see also:

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  • Acts 8 - Philip preaches to Samaritans.
    • Matthew 10:5-6 - Jesus instructs apostles to not teach to Samaritans.
    • Luke 9:51-55 - Disciples rebuked for hatred of Samaritans.
    • Luke 17:15-16 - Jesus heals a Samaritan leper.
    • John 4:7-9 - Jesus asks a Samaritan woman for water.
    • Samaritans has a right to the gospel of Christ.
  • Acts 9 - Jesus appears to Saul.
    • Saul had a right to the gospel of Christ.
  • Acts 10.
    • Gentiles had a right to the gospel of Christ.
  • What’s in the parenthesis (Acts 8-10?
    • Samaritans, eunuchs, Saul, Gentiles
    • Acts 8:4 - The gospel is for ALL!
    • Acts 11:19 - The gospel is for us today!

For further study, see also:

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