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  • Mark 4:33 - Sometimes Jesus held back and didn’t teach everything at once. Sometimes we must do the same when we teach.
  • Mark 4:39 - Jesus could control the elements. The apostles could perform miracles, but we have no record of them controlling the elements, suggesting that some types of miracles could onlu be down by Jesus.
  • Mark 5:2-7 - Demons are real beings that are aware of God and recognize His power. Demon possession seemed to be specific to the time of Jesus and the apostles. There is no record of demon possession before or after that time. Satan is the ruler of the demons.
    • Matthew 12:43-45
    • II Peter 2:4 - Demons are not necessarily angels who sinned.

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  • Timeline of temple rebuilding:
    • 538 BC - Return to Jerusalem - Ezra 1:1-2
    • 536 BC - Construction began - Ezra 3:8-13
    • 536 BC - Construction abandoned - Ezra 4:1-5
    • 520 BC (August 2) - Haggai’s first prophecy - Haggai 1:1-11
    • 520 BC (September 21) - Construction resumes - Haggai 1:12-15
    • 520 BC (October 17) - Haggai’s second prophecy - Haggai 2:1-9
    • 520 BC (December) - Haggai’s third prophecy - Haggai 2:10-23
    • 516 BC - Construction complete
  • How is Haggai relevant?
    • You an I are God’s temple (I Corinthians 6:19-20.
    • The church is God’s temple (I Peter 2:4-8.
    • Sometimes after a strong start, we can stop building too!
  • Excuses for not working:
    • The people are too materialistic (Haggai 1:3-6.
    • The people won’t work (Haggai 1:2.
    • The people lack motivation (Haggai 1:9-11.
    • The people lack leadership (Ezra 5:1-2.
    • The work will take forever (Haggai 1:2.
    • The work isn’t like our glory days (Haggai 2:3.
    • The work brings persecution (Exra 4:1-5).
    • The work won’t last (Haggai 2:3.
  • God’s answers to excuses
    • God says, “Silver and gold are mine!” (Haggai 2:1-9
    • God says, “Give them a job to do!” (Haggai 1:12-15
    • God says, “Because I said so!” (Haggai 1:1,2,3
    • God says, “Act like men and lead!” (Haggai 1:1
    • God says, “Get started now!” (Haggai 1:8
    • God says, “The new will be better!” (Haggai 2:9
    • God says, “I am with you!” (Haggai 1:13
      • Jeremiah 6:27-30
    • God says, “My kingdom isn’t shaken!” (Haggai 2:6-7
  • Are you part of the unshakeable kingdom? (Hebrews 12:28-29

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  • Geographical location of Galatia and history of the area
  • When Paul wrote the book (probably 50s A.D. - possibly in the 40s)
  • Where Paul was when he wrote the book (possibly Ephesus)
  • Paul’s attitude in writing the book: he was chastising them for drifting away from the faith. (Galatians 1:6
  • Paul’s trips to the Galatian region:
    • Acts 13:14-52
      • Paul’s sermon
      • Acts 13:45 - Jews jealous
      • Acts 13:50 - Persecution
    • Acts 14
      • Persecution: flee to Lystra and Derbe
      • Acts 14:8 - Healing lame man
      • Acts 14:19 - Jews follow, stone Paul
      • Acts 14:21 - Paul returns
    • Acts 16:1 - Derbe and Lystra and Galatian region
    • Acts 18:22-24 - Strengthening disciples
    • Compare these facts to Galatians 4:11

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  • Parable of the sower (or the soils)
  • Mark 4:21-22 here most likely represents the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • The kingdom of God in this chapter refers to the rule or reign of God in the hearts of men. This is not a firm rule, though. The kingdom can refer to other things, even in surrounding chapters in Mark.
  • Mark 4:26-29 - God helps the kingdom grow in the hearts of men. It is our responsibility to spread the word, but we can’t take credit for any increase. We just have to get out and spread the gospel!
  • Mark 4:30-32 - The kingdom of God grows large by spreading to more and more people and growing in power and influence.

For further study, see also:

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