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  • Joshua 14:1-15 - Caleb is given Hebron as an inheritance.
  • Joshua 15:13-15 - Caleb takes the land of his inheritance.
  • Numbers 32:11 - God curses the Israelites to wander for forty years.
  • Deuteronomy 1:26-28 - The Israelites were terrified of the Canaanites.
  • The Israelites were concerned about the facts. Joshua and Caleb were concerned about their faith.
  • Lessons from Caleb:
    • Sometimes, if we’re going to be like Caleb, we’re going to have to go against the flow.
    • Sometimes we’re going to have to accept God’s sovereign choice.
      • God chose Joshuato lead the people instead of Caleb.
    • Caleb embraced the promises of God.
    • Sometimes we have to tackle the tough turf.
      • No one else wanted Hebron - that’s where the giant Anakim were.
    • Caleb was a lifer.
      • He was not following God for the short term.

For further study, see also:

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