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  • Judges 13:5
  • Things to remember about Samson:
    • Some things were done by God’s design. Judges 14:1-4
    • God can use imperfect people to accomplish His work.
  • Not necessarily sinful, but still unwise.
    • Judges 16:4-17 - Delilah entices Samson
    • Proverbs 1:20-24
  • “Love” is blind
    • Judges 16:4
  • The strength came from God, not his hair.
    • Judges 13:3
    • I Peter 3:21 - Is the power of baptism in the water or is it from God? Baptism is the condition we must meet before God forgives us of our sins.
      • I John 1:7-10

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  • II Thessalonians 2:13 - Calvinists argue that God selects certain individuals to be saved. That is not what this verse is saying. God has chosen to save those that follow Him. Notice that the verse says people are chosen by belief in the truth.
  • II Thessalonians 2:15. We must be sure that we are holding fast to truth itself and not our opinion on the truth.
  • II Thessalonians 2:16.
  • II Thessalonians 2:17.

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  • Now that you are a Christian, what have you received?
    • Salvation - Mark 16:16
    • Peace and joy - Romans 5:1
    • Strength - Philippians 4:9
    • Freedom from sin - Romans 6:7
    • Blessings in Christ - I Peter 3:12
  • Besides a Christian, what else have you become?
    • Christians - Christ-like; followers of Christ
      • Galatians 4:27
    • Disciples
      • I Peter 2
    • Strangers and pilgrims - people in a foreign land
      • I Peter 2:11
    • Saints - those that are called out or set apart
      • Ephesians 4:2
    • Servants
      • Revelation 1:1
    • Little children
    • Brethren
      • Philippians 4:21
    • Stewards
    • Ambassadors
      • II Corinthians 5:20
    • Laborers
    • Believers
      • Mark 16:16
    • Sheep
    • Soldiers
      • II Timothy 2:3
    • Priests
      • I Peter 2:5
    • A stone in God’s building
    • Bride of Christ
    • Member of the body of Christ
      • I Corinthians 12:14
    • Branch/vine
      • John 15:1-8
  • Now that you are a Chistian, what are you to do?
    • Flee sin - I Timothy 6:11
    • Study the Word - II Timothy 2:15
    • Humger and thirst for the Word - Matthew 5:6
    • Teach - Hebrews 5:12-14
    • Be stedfast - I Corinthians 15:58

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  • All scripture is inspired by God.
    • II Peter 1:20-21 - The origin of the message was God.
    • I Corinthians 2:10-13 - The Holy Spirit chose the specific words for the prophets to use.
    • Exodus 4:10-16 - God gave Moses the words to say.
    • Matthew 10:19-20
    • II Peter 3:1-2
    • I Thessalonians 2:13
  • And profitable
    • for teaching - II Timothy 3:14-15
    • for reproof
    • for correction
    • for training in righteousness
  • So that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
    • Psalms 119:9

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  • Paul warned the Thessalonians that the coming of the Lord was not as soon as they thought. A great apostasy must come first.
  • II Thessalonians 2:3-4 - Many commentators argue that the “man of sin” here is the Pope. It may not be a particular person. It could simply be any man who has the disposition of rejecting God’s law and setting up His own law. The Pope fits this description, but many others also fit.
  • II Thessalonians 2:6-7 - The one that was restraining could have been Paul. He was fighting against the spirit of lawlessness and when he was gone, that spirit would bloom. The restrainer could also be God working through the Holy Spirit.

For further study, see also:

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