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The person of the Holy Spirit

  • The Bible does not contradict itself (I Corinthians 14:33. This implies that not all the perspectives on the Holy Spirit that men come up with are going to be true.
  • Person: a conscious being that possesses individuality and identity.
  • Individual: a distinct and undivided being.
  • Being: a living and existing thing.
  • The oneness doctrine: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all different manifestations of the same being.
    • Isaiah 9:6 is often used as a prooftext for this belief.
  • Passages that show the Holy Spirit executes judment: Acts 5
  • In John 16:13-14, Jesus uses masculine personal pronouns to refer to the Holy Spirit, which indicates that the Holy Spirit is an individual person.
  • The Holy Spirit is a distinct person from Father and the Son (Luke 3:22.
  • Actions in which the Holy Spirit is shown to have fellowship with Christ and the Father: Ephesians 4
  • The Holy Spirit is deity (Acts 5:1-4.

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  • Why we fly
    • To reach our Savior
      • Christianity is all about Christ; Christ is all about excellence (Colossians 3:1.
      • We lose our lives (Matthew 16:24-25.
    • To reach our potential
      • We should not settle for anything less than our best (Philippians 3:12-16.
      • Our “best”so far isn’t enough (Romans 3:23.
      • Jesus saves us to change us (Romans 12:1.
      • God helps diligent motivated seekers find His path (Hebrews 11:6.
  • Why we fear
    • Too challenging.
      • God’s big blessings require a big effort (I Timothy 4:10.
      • What we should fear is losing our birthright because we were not brave enough to claim it (Hebrews 4:1-3.
    • Too different
      • Getting comfortable in our successes is a reason for change, not inertia (Deuteronomy 32:11.
      • God pushes us to excel, but He is there to catch us when we falter.
  • Jesus says, “Come”
    • It’s possible: Jesus wouldn’t ask something of us we could not deliver (Matthew 14:28-29.
    • It’s taxing: Jesus will put you to work if you come to Him (Mark 1:17.
    • It’s costly: He calls it “a pearl of great price” with reason (Matthew 13:45-46.
    • It’s rewarding: The rest He provides (Matthew 11:28 is worth the effort.
  • Jesus will save
    • We rob ourselves of “walk on water” moments because we doubt His power to see us through (Matthew 14:3031).
    • Jesus will pick us up so we can try again (Philippians 1:6.
  • Jesus can calm the sea
    • Jesus may remove our problem, or he may just empower us to deal with it (Philippians 1:12-14.
    • Either way, no storm can separate us from Jesus (Romans 8:38-39.
    • He will shake our house for us today if we ask.

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  • A failure vs. a person who fails
    • The question is not whether we will fail, but how we will respond when we fail.
    • Will failing be a stumbling block or a stepping sone (Proverbs 24:16?
  • Real failure is when you abandon your post.
    • The one talent man (Matthew 25:24-30 assured his own failure by not pursuing success.
    • Wicked: God considers inaction to be as evil as inappropriate actions.
    • Slothful: Excuses for passivity are often just cloaks for laziness (Proverbs 22:13.
  • Real failure is when you abandon your post.
    • Paul had a stewardship entrusted to him (I Corinthians 9:16-17, and he was determined to be faithful in it.
    • He knew from the beginning how much he would suffer for the Lord (Acts 9:16.
    • He learned to endure, even appreciate, his “thorns” (II Corinthians 12:7-10.
    • Are you willing to “take the shot”?
  • Real failure is when you hedge your efforts.
    • Demas was willing to be a “fellow worker” with Paul (Philemon 1:24.
      • He “loved this present world” (II Timothy 4:9 and abandoned him.
      • Was it the lust of the eye? The lust of the flesh? The pride of life? (I John 2:16
      • Whatever it was, it wasn’t his “first love” (Revelation 2:4-5.
    • The widow (Luke 21:1-4.
      • Her commitment to God’s work did not depend on her circumstances.
      • Jesus cared about the hearts of the people, not the rocks of the temple.
      • Are you committed or just involved?
  • Real failure is when you “surrender to your past”.
    • Judas did not see the significance of his betrayal until too late (Matthew 27:3-5.
      • He could have been brought to repentance (II Corinthians 7:9-10.
      • Instead he was driven to despair.
      • If Jesus forgives us, we must find a way to forgive ourselves.
      • “God is greater than our heart” (I John 3:20.
    • Peter did not see the significance of his betrayal untill too late (Matthew 26:69-75.
      • He trusted in Jesus, not himself (Matthew 14:28-32.

For further study, see also:

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  • Lonely feelings vs. loneliness
    • Loneliness is an obsession, not a feeling.
    • “Finding someone” does not cure loneliness; it merely masks symptoms temporarily.
    • Treating lonely feeling is easy and fulfilling, but it is not a long-term cure.
    • God offers a real cure; are you brave enough to take it?
  • God doesn’t want us to be alone.
    • We need the strength fellowship provides (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.
    • That fellowship must be on His terms.
    • The greatest loneliness is isolation from God (Psalm 42:1-3.
  • To cure loneliness …
    • Think future, not present.
      • Lonely ones pick comfort over security.
        • The rich fool (Luke 12:16-21 thought he was planning ahead; he was really just planning to “eat, drink, and be merry”.
        • No relationship is worth putting your soul at risk (I Corinthians 15:33.
      • Lonely ones pick encouragement over growth.
        • “You’re okay the way you are” is not always what a lonely person needs to say.
        • Nor is it what he/she needs to hear (Revelation 3:19.
    • Think others, not self.
      • Loneliness is not “my problem, your fault”.
      • Waiting for others to fix our loneliness is selfish, prideful, and doomed to failure (Proverbs 18:1.
      • We need to put ourselves on the other end of Matthew 20:26
    • Trade doubts for faith.
      • We serve a God of mountains and valleys (I Kings 20:23.
      • Trust God means accepting His will (Philippians 4:12-13.

For further study, see also:

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