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  • The organization of the church is the place that Satan has started much apostasy.
  • Three concepts of church government (plus one hybrid):
    • Universal concept: all churches in one unified arrangement (as in the Roman Catholic church)
      • Universal oversight
      • Universal treasury
      • Universal work
    • Brotherhood concept: all churches that join one particular conference (i.e. Southern Methodist Conference) are under the oversight of the that group (i.e. Southern Methodist church)
      • Brotherhood oversight
      • Brotherhood treasury
      • Brotherhood work
    • Local concept: all local churches are independent and govern themselves (Jesus Christ is the only head)
      • Local oversight (I Peter 5:2-4
      • Local treasury (I Corinthians 16:1-2
      • Local work
        • Evangelism- Philippians 4:15-16
        • Relieving a church’s own needy members - Acts 4:34-36
    • Brotherhood + local church concept: each local church is loosely bound to the convenction (i.e. Southern Baptist Convenction)
      • They claim: local oversight, treasury, and work
      • In a few things, they also have: brotherhood oversight, treasury, and work
        • Examples:
          • Baptist Hour radio program (funded by the Southern Baptist Convention)
          • Buckner Children’s Home (also funded by the Southern Baptist Convention)
      • “Churches of Christ” have attempted this:
        • Herald of Truth radio and TV program (many churches sent to one church, which oversaw the work)
        • Boles Children’s Home (operated by a denomination called “Churches of Christ”)
  • Only one concept of church government has been authorized by God: the local church concept.

For further study, see also:

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  • He who loves money will not be satisfied with money.
    • We need to seek satisfaction through God, not money.
    • Ecclesiastes 5:10
  • The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
    • We need to love God more than money.
    • I Timothy 6:9-11
  • The worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word.
    • We need to trust what God says about money.
    • Matthew 13:22

For further study, see also:

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  • The context of miraculous spiritual gifts (I Corinthians 13
    • Spiritual gifts would cease (I Corinthians 13:8
    • Spiritual gifts were provided as a temporary solution to confirm God’s Word until revelation was completed. Once revelation was complete, these spiritual gifts would be unnecessary, so they would cease with the death of the apostles and those they had transferred gifts to.
      • Spiritual gifts could be transferred only by the apostles when they laid their hands on them (Acts 8:17-18. Others besides the apostles could not transfer gifts.

For further study, see also:

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